
To be a corporate group that contributes to the realization of a sustainable society

Basic Policy on Sustainability

The KAMEDA SEIKA Group is a “Better For You” corporate group that contributes to a nice lifestyle with the blessings of rice to further refine the value of excellent flavor, health, and excitement.
The Group will contribute to a sustainable society by becoming a “Rice Innovation Company”.

The Group recognizes that initiatives for sustainability are a key management issue from the perspective of improving corporate value over the medium to long term.

Our sustainability initiatives are wide-ranging, and it is not always efficient to discuss, consider and supervise them all directly at Board of Directors meetings. To further promote such initiatives, we therefore inaugurated the Sustainability Promotion Task Force, based on the new Basic Policy on Sustainability that we formulated in 2021. The Chairman & CEO is in charge of the task force, which sets policies and detailed targets for the resolution of various issues related to sustainability, devises systems and specific execution methods for their implementation, and monitors the progress of measures being taken, among other activities. Details of the Sustainability Promotion Task Force’s activities are regularly submitted for discussion or reported to the Board of Directors. The task force will promote more objective and effective initiatives by incorporating stakeholder perspectives as necessary.

Note:In November 2023, the KAMEDA SEIKA Group revised its Basic Policy on Sustainability after restructuring the Group’s Corporate Philosophy.

Sustainability Promotion Structure

Specific measures

You can check the corporate activities of the KAMEDA SEIKA Group in our Integrated Report