When was KAMEDA established?

KAMEDA was founded in August 1957.

What is the origin of the "KAMEDA" corporate name?

The corporate name "KAMEDA" originated with the company's birth place, KAMEDA Town, Niigata, Japan.

What is KAMEDA's schedule for announcing its business results?

The date for announcement of business results is set early in the respective month and posted on the "IR Calendar."

What is KAMEDA's ticker code?

KAMEDA's ticker code is 2220.

How many shares are in a unit for sale?

One unit consists of 100 shares.

When are the dates for determining shareholders for payment of dividends?

The dates are as follows:
Determination of shareholders for the year-end dividend: March 31
Determination of shareholders for the interim dividend: September 30

When is the deadline for purchasing the shares in order to receive dividends?

The deadline for the year-end dividend is three business days before the last business day of March.
The deadline for the interim dividend is three business days before the last business day of September.