Goals of the KAMEDA SEIKA Group
Long -Term Business Strategy to 2030
The KAMEDA SEIKA Group’s Purpose is to contribute to a nice lifestyle with the blessings of rice to further refine the value of excellent flavor, health and excitement. To realize the Group Vision to become a Rice Innovation Company, we will create new values and markets for the society by maximizing the potential of rice.
Currently, we are expanding the countries in which we operate and our business domain through upfront investments, not only in the Domestic Rice Cracker Business but also in the Overseas Business and Food Business. In the future, we aim to evolve into an asset-light and highly profitable business model while leveraging our technology, expertise, and brands as well as external partnerships and collaborations.
We will restore the Group’s revenue base by 2026, and build upon this solid foundation to further expand our business, leading to a sustainable growth toward 2030.
The KAMEDA SEIKA Group’s Vision
Rice Innovation
Transforming from a snack manufacturer
into a Rice Innovation Company,
maximizing the potential of rice
to create new value and
new markets around the world.
Business Plan (FY2023 – FY2030)
The value creation process of Kameda Seika Group and the direction to realize our Vision of becoming a Rice Innovation Company can be described as a large tree. The evolution of the business model can be expressed as the trunk growing bigger with the best ideas, technologies, and expertise, while expansion of our business and regions can be expressed as branches and leaves growing higher and higher.
Roadmap for Business Scale Growth (FY2023 – FY2030)
Starting in 2023, we will rapidly rebuild our revenue base by enacting structural reforms of our Domestic Rice Cracker Business and Overseas Business, with the goal of establishing a stable profit structure by 2026. We aim to achieve an operating margin of 10% and ROIC of 8% by 2030.
Business Portfolio
While our business model continues to evolve, our three business domain of Domestic Rice Cracker Business, Overseas Business, and Food Business will be unchanged. To evolve into a Rice Innovation Company, we will further refine our strengths in rice R&D, processing & mass production technology, and branding to enhance our unique value in each business.
Financial Targets
Our operating income target for 2030 is 140 billion yen with an average growth rate of 5.0%. From the perspective of creating unique value, we will increase the operating income from Rice Innovation to 50%, which will serve as the Group’s growth engine.
We will aim for an operating margin of at least 10% and an average growth rate of 20% in operating income to increase long-term profits.